Thursday, May 3, 2012

BREAK the SILENCE - seize the everyday

Break the Silence
   The one true anchor in the messiness of sexual assault and domestic violence is silence. Silence doesn't help or heal, it is a emotional cancer. Here is the place to start. Start feeling different-break the silence even to yourself first. Start doing things differently. Become aware, become a commUNITY of heartfelt voice united and healing. Join, start a commUNITY walks. A couple days a week get out breathe in freedom, pray mediate, relax. See other people stop isolating.

SILENCE and ISOLATION ends today!!!


1 comment:

  1. We begin to heal from trauma such as sexual assault and domestic abuse when we break the silence and speak up about those issues. It must begin with people openly speaking out about these issues, without shame. If people begin to open a nonjudging, accepting dialogue about this, the survivors can feel safe enough to leave their isolation of shame and fear, and open up, letting their deep secrets out. When we break that hold that silence has kept on the issues, then we can address them and begin to eradicate the violence that pervades our society.

    How to Break the Silence about Sexual Assault & Domestc Abuse:

    Leave an Abusive Situation/Don't accept any type of Abuse in Your Life

    Open up and Tell Your Story (or maybe a Friend's Story) Set it free.

    Speak openly about these Issues

    Emerge from Isolation.
